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Early Winter T.U.S.K.

Happy New Year, Perch friends and family!

Just like that, it is January once more. We hope each and every one of you had a holiday season filled with good food, good people, and great skiing. As we reflect on 2024 and look forward to 2025, we want to say thank you for choosing to support The Elephant’s Perch this year.

Keeping your dollars in the valley helps us do good for this amazing place we get to call home. This year, your patronage allowed us to support SVSEF, Wood River Trails Coalition, Sawtooth Avalanche Center, Wood River Land Trust, and the Boulder Mountain Tour – just to name a few!

A whole lot of skis… and a few bikes here and there.

If your trusty steed needs servicing, bring it on by. We work on bikes all year!

Raide 40L Touring Pack

Rockie Talkie Radios

Smith Summit Helmet & Wildcats

Salomon S/LAB Classic Skis


Lots of walks on skis and fresh tracks over the last few months

Many beautiful miles skied on our nordic trails (thank you, BCRD!)

Morning Baldy Laps

Warm beverages and cookies on the skin track

to Caleb for setting great skin tracks

to everyone who remembered to come back and pick up their wrapped presents before Christmas Day

to Courtney for steering this ship

to Rode for being a great new shop puppy

to Erin and AM for taking at least 1000 pictures of trees and clouds on every ski tour